苏大熊: this like the wildest dream of mine? study him from afar, maintain the illusion of normalcy, i could barely contain my excitement. wish for the day coming like we couldnt keep our hands off each other, but ive gotta tell u, the fantasy ive been having in my dreams is nothing sensual/ 3exual at all, so pure so platonic, the fact it nearly broke me like, i was attracted to u basically driven of 3ex in the first place wasnt i? n all the f tim e afterwards, am i angry at myself for being not that wanting u or.. idk anymore, can i filming u come? can i make u come, isnt this a massive thing in ur boys world like, cum1n, am i crazy? i dont want to spend the rest my life without ur comforting
包叔:最后一集《夜游生活》,第二个嘉宾修路到香格里拉最好的山,看哭我了,第三个余华又笑死我了。。。哇每个嘉宾都很有个性啊。 “对别人来说,我的故乡是特别遥远的地方。” “每一次离别,都市极品仙帝都是一次小型的死亡” “你只有离开了你最 熟悉的地方以后,你再回来,才知道你真正的财富在哪里。” “马尔克斯说,父母健在的话,你和死亡之间有一层垫子,当父母离开以后,你就直接坐在死亡上面了。”
吴钩子:看完后发现好看的都在小红书的推荐剪辑里… 哎